Time flies when you're...

It's been over two months since I last posted something that was not my weekly pictures.  I'm glad I've kept up on those otherwise this poor blog would be very lonely.

A little update.  We have a final court date for the divorce set for June 19th.   The girls have adapted well to the week-to-week schedule change.  I don't think they've had any glitches to speak of in forgetting things at the wrong house, so that's good.  The girls are in weekly counseling, which I think has a lot to do with their adaptation to the new routine.  The 11yo is still in gymnastics.  The 9yo has decided swimming is not what's for her.  I'm waiting to hear back from a local dance studio because she wants to take tap lessons.  The 6yo has joined preteam for gymnastics and is thrilled beyond belief to be going to gym twice a week and working out with the team.  I can't believe how big my baby is getting.

I ran my first race since Tough Mudder last Sunday with Beki and Lynn in Reno.  This was the third year in a row I've ran this half marathon.  It was my slowest time on this course by 8 minutes but not my slowest time in a half.  I'm hoping to get a race report posted this weekend.  Yell at me if I don't, okay?  I've been a bit scattered lately.  :)

I'm still working crazy hours around kid schedules.

I've gone in with a neighbor in raising hens and feeder chickens.  Right now we have a total of 72 chickens that will meet their demise in order to fill our bellies.  No...that's not all for us.  My parents, brother, and some friends have all asked to participate.  So my days now also include making sure the chicks are fed, watered and properly heated or cooled depending on the crazy Nevada weather.  We also started a garden.  It's probably 20x40 feet.  Tomatoes, squash, broccoli, cauliflower, raspberries, corn, beans, carrots, peppers.  Hopefully we get a good harvest for lots of freezing and canning.

The house has been on the market for a couple of months now.  We are short-sale-ing it and we finally got an offer on it.  For more than $200k less than we paid for it five years ago.  I try not to think about it too much.  I know there's a lot of work to be done on it, so whoever buys it will have to drop probably $30k into it to update and fixup and work on the yard.  The market here is still really crappy, so most of what's on the market is foreclosures and short sales.

I'm looking forward to a couple of trips this summer.  Next month I head to Minneapolis for the National Charter School Conference, which I have always enjoyed attending.  Then in July the girls and I will be headed to Fenwick Island, Delaware for my dad's family reunion.  This will be the first year without Granny...sort of.  She's coming...in her urn.  And then after the reunion we will drive up to Pennsylvania and bury her next to Gramps.

The first half of this year has seemed to fly by.  I'm sure the second half will do it as well.


  1. I miss you! Glad things are going pretty well.

    That short-sale is tough. Wow. I guess I haven't realized how crappy the markets are everywhere else because our area is skyrocketing and insane.

    My husband and kids brought me home 2 chicks yesterday. We aren't supposed to have them in our subdivision. Uh-oh.

  2. Good thing I know where to find you if you don't get that race report written ;)


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