The Game

Have you ever been witness to something that is so far fetched you wonder if it is reality?  I am constantly amazed at people who believe causing others pain is a game to be won.  My heart aches tonight.  The cost has been high.  How high?  Only time will tell.  The cost is not only financial, it has an emotional component. 

I pray for peace.  I pray those playing the game will realize that no one besides Ego wins at this game.  But everyone else loses.  Everyone.  I pray for normalacy without manipulation.  Unfortunately knowing the players in this game, I doubt it will ever truly be over.  So I pray for a waning of interest in the game. 


  1. This makes me sad. :( Love you, girl!

  2. Yuck. We all have this kind of thing in our life, may you be able to ignore it when you can and weather it when you can't.


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