Update on Expectations

Court was a success for us.  I testified.  They tried to make me out to be exagerating because I had a personal stake in the verdict.  And when I was asked if I felt that I had a bias in the case?  I answered honestly.  "Uhm, no.  Actually I don't."  The DA's face was priceless.  She couldn't believe my answer.  Heh.  I'm full of surprises lady.  :)

The verdict was "not guilty".  At this time I'm still not willing to go into the details and hows and whys of the case and the part I played.  Just know that any prayers or positive thoughts you sent our way was extremely appreciated.

Justice was done. 


  1. Congratulations on making the DA look silly AND for the verdict you were hoping for...I have a feeling that 2013 will be a great year for you.


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