Goofy recap part 1

I'm not sure how to recap last weekend.  I went into this race weekend feeling woefully undertrained but determined to cross the finish lines upright and hopefully not in too much pain.  I logically knew what I needed to do, but wasn't sure I would be able to accomplish it.  Problem number 1: Training with one to two training runs per week.  Yeah.  Perfect way to train for two back-to-back endurance races.  WTG, Kirsten. Problem number 2:  I usually am not hungry after long runs.  I needed to not get into a calorie deficit between races.  Problem number 3: Time change of three hours.  I would be sleep deprived for two nights in a row and expecting my body to perform.   Problem number 4:  Heat.  Our temps here hadn't been above 40 in close to a month.  Predicted temps in Orlando? Lows in the low 60s and highs in the high 70s/low 80s.  Ugh x10.

So how to solve these problems?  Number one: There was nothing I could.  It was waaaay too late to do anything about my crappy training.  Number two:  Fuel during the first race like never before...even if I didn't feel like I needed to.  Number three:  Try and get to sleep at a reasonable hour.

For the fueling, I did take 2 gels during the half along with Perpetum in 10 ounces of water in addition to Nuun in my other water bottle and drinking water and powerade on the course and whatever else may be offered.  (I'm a sucker for bananas on a course.)  And I swear my fear for day two must have convinced my body it needed to eat after race day #1.  I ate and ate and ate some more.  I have never eaten like that on the day of a long run...ever.  I needed to go into Sunday without a deficit and my body feeling deprived of energy.

Sleep? I did my best.  Friday night I was in bed by 8 p.m.  Please note that this is 5 p.m. in my normal time zone.  I think I fell asleep after reading for a bit around 9 p.m.  The alarm was set for 2:30.  On Saturday night I was a bit amped up and didn't crawl into bed until after 10 p.m. - which I got yelled at for by multiple friends.  I was supposed to be up at 2:30 again.  I turned off my alarm and got up at 3:30 instead.  Luckily I still had close to 30 minutes before we needed to leave to get ready.  Nothing like starting your day on an adrenaline rush.  Which sucks in the case because the gun for my wave wouldn't start until just after 6 a.m.

The temperature? It was out of my control.  My plan was slow and steady and hydrate, hydrate, hydrate.

I will tell you that even though I didn't get #1 or #2 right?  I had an amazing weekend of 39.3 miles.  I took every mile Saturday relatively slowly and tried my best to relax and just enjoy the miles.  I was definitely more nervous on Saturday about Sunday than I actually was on Sunday.  Sunday? I can't tell you how amazing it felt to run those 26.2 miles.  The first half felt long.  During the second half I kept waiting for the crash, the wall, the burning legs that didn't want to continue.  It never happened.  My fastest mile on Sunday? Was a 10:16 mm.  For mile 26.  That still blows my mind away.  I crossed that finish line in a dead sprint.  High-foured Mickey and laughed with joy at how awesome I felt.  I felt strong through the whole damn race.

I will post recap #2 with pictures and some more details about the whole weekend tomorrow.

I had an amazing time hanging out with Barb and Andrew and then with ChristieO and her local peeps who also ran.  Lots of pictures to come.  I promise.  :)


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