
Showing posts from February, 2012

New normal

We are in the thick of figuring out this "new normal".  The new normal that I keep telling my girls that we will adapt to.  It's hard but only because it's new.  Once it becomes normal, it won't seem so awkward anymore.  I'm lucky in the fact that at this point I still get to spend my days with Sweet Pea.  We are finishing our her kindergarten year in the home-based charter school that the older girls spent years with.  Right now, she's snuggled on the couch watching cartoons before we get started on her school work.  It's mellow and nice.  And two days a week on his weeks with the girls, I help out by picking the older two up after school until 6 when he gets off work.  Both of those days there are activities to take them to, but I get to see them. Soon we will be in a new house.  T and I decided, after much teeth gnashing, that we can't afford this house.  This house we bought almost five years ago.  This house that gives me ...

2012 - A Day in the Life - Week 8

Sunday 2/19 My girl after her last meet.   She did awesome. So proud of her.  She placed 1st in All Around for her age level.  Monday 2/20 After a long afternoon, a glass of wine in my kitchen while making dinner (I'm actually going to miss the gold floor. Yes, I'm deranged.) Tuesday 2/21 Mondays are always long and don't lead to enough sleep before Tuesday My fuzzy Bear-cat decided he needed some snuggles So he climbed under the blankets and slept with me for 90 minutes This is post nap.  He was pissed when I got up. Wednesday 2/22 Got a run in on the treadmill.  It was fast.  It was hard.  I got it done and it felt good to push.  Thursday 2/23 Printed out some proofreading work I agreed to do.  Holy shit! It's longer than I thought it was going to be.  Friday 2/24 Some days just call for strappy shoes, a margarita,  and some peace and quiet.  Saturday 2/25 My dinner.   Please excuse the nasty coloring.  Probably sho...

2012 - A Day in the Life - Week 7

Sunday 2/12 Red hot love! Monday 2/13 Sweet Pea snuggling with Boo.  Tuesday 2/14 My dinner.  It was tres yummy.  Wednesday 2/15 SNOW!! My handprint and Sweet Pea's side by side.  Thursday 2/16 She had her annual eye exam and got her eyes dilated.  She looks a little terminator-esque.  Friday 2/17 Two favorite drinks.  And yes. I enjoyed them both.  Saturday 2/18 Loved these clouds as I was headed into the grocery store for movie night provisions with my gymnast. 

2012 - A Day in the Life - week 6

Sunday 2/5 My youngest making a heart with her hands.  Monday 2/6 My dinner.  Not balanced enough.  Not enough in quantity But it was better than the nothing I wanted to eat.  Tuesday 2/7 I love the evolution of candy heart phrases.  Wednesday 2/8 Dressed for court.  Thursday 2/9 Boo snuggling with the 11yo.  He fell asleep here.  Friday 2/10 This? Is one yummy drink.  Saturday 2/11 We had just finished having a dance-off and were quenching our thirst.  She had root beer.  I had wine. :)

11 Things

Thea is to blame for this.  Blame her.  But I need this.  I need to write here, but I'm without inspiration.  So thanks, Thea, for tagging me for this meme. The Rules:  Post these rules You must post 11 random things about yourself Answer the questions set for you in their post Create 11 new questions for the people you tag to answer Go to their blog and tell them you’ve tagged them No stuff in the tagging section about you are tagged if you are reading this. You legitimately have to tag 11 people! 11 things about me: I'm sorta stealing this one from Thea, but I hate things between my toes.  I hate flip flops.  BUT...I love my Vibram FiveFingers.  I've decided that the difference is that your toes don't rub together with something between them.   Breaking my ankle last September only reinforced the fact that I'm stubborn and I won't be told I can't do something.  I was on crutches for 4 weeks and instead of asking someone for help in ta...

2012 - A Day in the Life - Week 5

Sunday 1/29 These were decent.  Very cakey.   I prefer fudgy brownies.   Monday 1/30 Sweet Pea and I went out to feed the ducks.  They swarmed us.   Wednesday 2/1 Pumpkin cat with Boo the guinea pig.   This was staged but everyone was happy.  Thursday 2/2 Looking into my bathroom from the closet.  It's rare to see the countertop.   I'm a piler.  Friday 2/3 Living room.  Look! There's a floor!  AND YOU CAN SEE IT! And this is why my house is clean.  It's officially on the market. Saturday 2/4 And yes...those are two fresh piles on the floor already.  I'm a piler.   (please sell fast. please sell fast)