
Showing posts from September, 2011

Days like this

When you wake up in a mood that threatens to ruin your day. When you just want to pull the covers up over your head and pretend that it's a summer day as a kid with no responsibilities. When you know that life will continue on without you if you don't move. When you know you have little people depending on you to be the person everyone knows you are. When you don't want to face reality. When your heart is heavy. When you indulge others so you can take what you need to make it through the day. When you take the time to write. To clear your mind. You take the mess and confusion and let it flow onto paper. Closing the book and leaving those concerns you can do nothing about, the ones that can drive you mad. Closing it for the day, letting the worry reside elsewhere. If only for a little while. - Posted using BlogPress

2011 - A Day in the Life - week 38

Sunday 9/18 Wearing my Tough Mudder "bling" and shirt.  Monday 9/19 Purple toes!  Tuesday 9/20 Casted!!  No surgery needed! Wednesday 9/21 Chicago! Thursday 9/22 I love the ivy on the old brownstones.  Friday 9/23 A needed drink on the plane home.  Saturday 9/24 Went to a birthday party for a 6yo.   He wanted a Tiki-themed party.  His mom pretty much rawks as she did this without a template. Linking up with Elaine this morning!


Remembering the days of carefree and few responsibilities. The days where you couldn't wait to be "grown up" and be taken seriously by the adults in your life. Striving for that moment of acceptance. Proving that you were capable and self-sufficient. The time is so fleeting that we have and yet we waste it trying to be something we aren't. Trying to succeed. Trying to gain acceptance. Trying to grow up and be more than we are. And then we get there. We wake up one day and wonder how we got here. All those life experiences we powered through because we needed to check mark them. And then we look back and wonder if checkmarking those boxes was as important as we thought they were. If remembering to live in the moment instead of wishing the time away. Looking for the next goal, the next milestone to reach. What happened to our desire to live in the moment? When we spent the time looking around at the moment in time we are living. And truly appreciating *that* moment. I...

2011 - A Day in the Life - week 37

Sunday 9/11 A little reminder for myself.  Monday 9/12 Another reminder to have patience. Tuesday 9/13 Sweet Pea's school work. She did such a great job all by herself.  Wednesday - 9/14 Squaw Valley USA. Site of Tough Mudder NorCal. Thursday 9/15 Sweet Pea told me I had wrinkles when I squinted my eyes.   I told her she did too.  Friday 9/16 The sun on Lake Tahoe on our way to spend the night in prep for Tough Mudder.  Saturday 9/17 Tough Mudder finisher.   It only took 7 hours to complete.  At least 5 of those hours with a broken ankle.  Read about my stupidity  determination to finish here. Also linking up to Elaine today!

September 11th

September 11 has always been a date I remembered.  It's my brother's birthday.  Here he is with my niece.  He turns 37 this year. So, my big brother gets to share his birthdate now with this national tragedy.   Back on my recap of the decade in January 2010, I wrote this about the month of September 2001 September – Flew out to Boise the weekend before 9/11 to house hunt.  T was going to get out of the AF at the end of his 4-year tour and wanted to finish his degree at Boise State.  Remember sitting in a hotel on the Greenbelt watching the twin towers fall, holding my 10-month-old baby wondering if T was going to be able to get out or would be shipping out somewhere dangerous. It was definitely a defining moment for me.  The Air Force did let him out on a Stop Loss waiver a year later.  It amazes me that we are here 10 years later.  My baby is now about to be 11.  

2011 - A Day in the Life - week 36

Sunday 9/4 How come no one ever told me about Skippyjon Jones?  It may have been the vodka talking, but this book?  Hysterical.  Well all of them that my friend Tami had were hysterical.  I thoroughly enjoyed reading them out loud. I want to buy them all for me! Monday 9/5 I made a picture for picture fail day.  Tuesday 9/6 The concrete wall at the outdoor pool. Thought it looked cool.  Wednesday 9/7 Look! Mountains and clouds!  You've *never* seen those around here before.  Thursday 9/8 Back at the pool. This picture just looks so summery to me. Friday 9/9 We went to a fundraiser for the local hospital's Cancer Center and ran into McKenna,  my niece who is in remission from Ewing sarcoma. We all had our pictures taken with her.  So happy she is doing well after almost a full year of surgeries and chemotherapy.  Love her smile.   Saturday 9/10 Morning coffee.  Twas good. 

2011 - A Day in the Life - week 35

Sunday 8/28 This was most of my dinner Sunday night.   I also make frozen berry milkshakes before the popcorn.  Yum! Monday 8/29 Sweet Pea sat down for her first day of kindergarten.  She was watching the welcome video her teacher made.   Tuesday 8/30 After her school work was done, we put together just about every puzzle in our house.  That's a lot of puzzles.  We did them together...and then she wanted to do them by herself.  Wednesday 8/31 Our shadows on the walk back from dropping the big girls off at school.  Thursday 9/1 We went to the mall and they have these huge hanging baskets of flowers all over.  Sweet Pea was running and jumping up to smell them.  I asked her to let me take a picture of her sniffing them.  And she couldn't stop giggling.  Friday 9/2 Look!! Sharing!! Among siblings!!  I took them to Target for slurpees after school.  Saturday 9/3 Me and the oldest.  We were waiting for T to get some m...