
Showing posts from December, 2012

One picture a month

I failed this year at maintaining my weekly pictures.  But I'm going to recap my year with basically one picture a month that represents something significant that happened. January My last grandparent died on January 9th.   Granny was an amazing woman.   She is missed by many.  February I found this.  I haven't looked back. :) I spent many evenings right here.  Relaxing.   March Beautiful yet cold hike down to Emerald Bay.  April Oh look! Baby chicks!  May Ran the Rock N River half marathon.  Lynn and Beki joined me for races that day.  June I love this picture of the girls.  They were so happy this evening.   Running around, climbing, playing with chickens, eating.  You know, being kids.  I was happy this evening.   July Oh look! Kai joined the family! And we had a family reunion in Delaware.  Complete with bonfire on the beach.  August What a perfect picture for summer.  September All that ...

Running and Life

Hey...remember how I used to run?  How I ran 3-4 times a week without fail?  Uhm...yeah.  That has not been the case lately.  If I run twice a week I'm calling it a good week.  I miss running.  I miss having a consistent schedule that isn't frought with meetings and court dates and house selling paperwork that needs to be  The good news, most of that stuff should be over now.  So 2013? I'm getting back into regular running.  I have very few goals this year for running.  I have two races I'd like to do.  I'd like to somehow make it to Disneyland this September for the half marathon there, and I'm going to most likely sign up for the half marathon in Reno in May again.  Other than that? I just want to run three days a week averaging 15 miles a week.  Unless I'm peaking on my long runs for those two races.  Other than that? Continue working my tail off, between the close to full-time job and coaching...


The level 5 team (plus the one level 6 girl) This one? Placed 5th overall.  She just turned 12 so she was in a "12+" age group for the first time.  All these girls around her were so old looking!  Very proud of her.  Oh the cute death.   Probably one of her best tuck jumps I've ever seen.  She kicked ass on vault.  Placed 1st.   Coaches explained that her form wasn't the best but the one thing she overpowered everyone on was the speed of her run.   Very proud of this one too.  


I promised out takes from the various photo shoots I did trying to get their annual pictures taken.  I love these girls.  They drive me crazy...beyond crazy some days, but I they are keepers.  This was the best one of the The Oldest Girl from the first shoot.  Yes...if you know gymnastics you see the bent knees and flexed toes.   (coach! turn your eye off!) This one was sweet, but I wanted a sister picture with all three.  They were so silly that afternoon.  Very giggly.  Have you seen Brave?  The part where the king is imitating his impression of his daughter?  The girls love this part.  Granted not all were smiling here, but it made me laugh.   And then we had sad faces.   Apathetic faces.  Confused faces.  These were amusing with Boo, the guinea pig. 


I did not grow up around guns.  At all.  It wasn't part of who my parents were.  I had that youthful innocence and faith in my parents that they would always protect me.  My childhood was very Polyanna-esque.  I'm thankful that the life they led allowed me to enjoy my childhood and not grow up too fast. I remember vividly when Columbine happened.  I remember watching the TV aghast and what was happening.  I couldn't fathom the reality.  I was only a handful of years out of high school, and I know people who (some friends even) that were similar in appearance to the shooters (minus the actual shooting part).  They were decent people.  Mostly I was part of that "misunderstood" group in high school.  I had friends who were in the "in" group, but the friends I hung out with were definitely an eclectic group. I remember Columbine with fear and anxiety and a feeling of "what is happening to our world?"  I remember believing...

Annual pictures

For the past 3 years I have taken the girls' annual pictures.  I started this when they were schooled at home and there were no school pictures to document.  And since I didn't plan well, all three have birthdays in the fall, so it sorta works out. Well, I've been slacking about getting them done.  Between joint custody, a busy schedule, random illnesses and poor weather, I was having trouble getting motivated to do it. I got the Oldest Girl's done shortly after her birthday in October, but then the other two?  Eh.  So today was a "professional development day" for the teachers and all the kids were off today.  So I told the girls, after letting them sleep in (and me), that I wanted them to dress nice but warm as The Middle Girl wanted to have her pictures taken on the steps of the capital building.  So they got dressed and brushed and cleaned.  I put no requirements on their clothing choices.  I gave them some pointers about what might look ...

An Open Letter

To those who haven't been in my life in the last year: This is a letter I'm writing to all of those I considered my friends up until September 2011.  It's been just over a year since I made the decision to file for divorce.  They say that in hard times you find out who your real friends are.  And let me tell you how glaringly obvious it became when it seemed like you dropped off the face of the earth.  Some of you claimed that no matter what, you understood and you still wanted to be a part of my life.  Some of you never claimed much.  At least to me.  Bottom line?  It made me sad that even though you called me friend, you never thought to pull me aside and ask *my* side of the story.  I can understand not wanting to get in the middle.  Hell...I haven't enjoyted  being in the middle.  But to listen only to the squeaky wheel because, well, it squeaks does not tell the whole story.  I never would have asked you to take ...