So a while back I was visiting Melissa's blog and she had a...raffle?... for lack of a better word. Donate at least a $1 to a fantastic cause . Essentially the donation would go to fund a camp for kids that have lost a parent who was in the military. Because if you've never gone through a deployment with your spouse/parent, then you don't know what it's like to have lost that same person. (Luckily, for our family, we've yet to experience that separation where life is on the line.) So what, you may be wondering, was the prize? Well, Melissa has an e tsy shop and makes some pretty awesome jewelry. The prize was a personalized 3-charm necklace. When I found out I won, I had so many ideas running around in my head. I originally thought that I'd get a military-inspired one - since that was what this whole thing was about and T's in the guard. Then I thought, as I was fresh off the half marathon in San Diego maybe something to do with TNT. ...