
Showing posts from August, 2011

Burst Into Summer - August 31st

Well, here we are at the end of another challenge.  We Burst into Summer, and I sure hope that everyone is ending the summer a little healthier, maybe a little (or a lot) lighter, and motivated to keep going into the fall.  I know I've been waning a bit on my motivation, but in the end I know that I want to get on my treadmill or head out for that long run or do my strength...I do still have Tough Mudder coming up in...OMG... 17 days.  *twitch twitch*  But I'm excited about it at the same time.  I rarely get myself worked up over a race or an event.   Ok, there was that freak out last December over 26.2 but we won't talk about that. Maybe it's because life has gotten busier and more chaotic, but I know I can do the mileage of Tough Mudder.  Will it be hard at elevation with an elevation gain of 2300 ft? Most definitely.  But I think with 20 obstacles over 10 miles that there will be enough "rest" time in between the actual miles that I'm not worri...

2011 - A Day in the Life - week 34

Week 34 out of 52?  Damn. Where does the time go?  Sunday 8/21 My time out in the closet.   T delivered me a glass of wine.   It was appreciated and thoroughly enjoyed.  Monday 8/22 Saw this notebook in Target. It made me laugh.  I started out in Engineering.  Then Philosophy.  Then Psychology.  Then Public Health.  And then I dropped out.  Heh.  Tuesday 8/23 Second day of school!! (Because I neglected to remember to take a picture on the 2nd day of school.) Wednesday 8/24 Had to get the oil changed on my truck.  Sweet Pea was thrilled because she loves the train table at the play area at Toyota.  Thursday 8/25 Sweet Pea broke the last plate she made. She'd been begging to make another one.  So the first week of school for the big girls gave us the time to do it.  We will pick it up next week some time.  Friday 8/26 One of the roses in our front yard.  I always forget about them because we never pr...

You Capture - Ordinary Moments

I haven't participated in You Capture it seems like FOREVER.  I can't even tell you the last time I did.  But I'm going to try and get back on the horse, so to speak, and get 'er done.   My ordinary moments are only ordinary in the fact that you wouldn't know how extraordinary they actually are unless you know us.   The second day of school.  (I forgot to take pictures of the first day!) The ordinary moment is just that.  The beginning of a new school year.  All kids have them in some form or fashion.  The extraordinary part of this?  This was their first day heading to a traditional school.  They were excited and nervous at this massive change.  They came home smiling and happy and wanting to share all the details of their days.  Which warms my heart. 

2011 - A Day in the Life - week 33

Sunday 8/14 Found this quote in a book and fell in love with it.  Monday 8/15 My post workout protein shake.  Chocolate protein powder, a banana, and milk.  Tuesday 8/16 Chocolate cupcake with peanut butter frosting and half of a mini Reece's in the top.  Starbucks made my evening.  Wednesday 8/17 This is the fence in our front yard.  I love the colors in the lichen. Thursday 8/18 A book of Peanuts comics.   Love that my 10yo still finds joy in comics.  Friday 8/19 I love this girl.  She drives me a bit crazy some days, but this smile?  Is true and real.   Saturday 8/20 A picture from our 11.4-mile hike on the Tahoe Rim Trail.   It was hard, and dirty, and so needed.   Give me fresh mountain air and some water off in the distance?  I'm a happy girl.  I had a great hiking/running partner in T. 

2011 - A Day in the Life - week 32

Sunday 8/7 An old key that goes to a hutch that was T's mom's. Tuesday 8/8 My birthday cake that my girls and my mom made for me. Chocolate with mini chocolate chips and chocolate cream cheese frosting. YUMMY! Tuesday 8/9 On my way to meet a friend for dinner. Wednesday 8/10 She was reading. She always looks so serious. Thursday 8/11 These were plaques I found at Target. The different takes made me giggle. Friday 8/12 Me and my snuggler in the morning. She usually sneaks in after T leaves in the morning. Saturday 8/13 My new trail shoes. I'm hoping they work for me!

2011 - A Day in the Life - week 31

Sunday 7/31 Family picture at Tahoe courtesy of Tiffany's husband Check out Sweet Pea's face.  She was in no mood to smile.  This is Tiffany's little man.  He's a cutie pie.  Monday 8/1 Dinner at Olive Garden.  That's Tiffany's husband, Sammy, and T.  Tuesday 8/2 Starbucks free birthday drink postcard came! Wednesday 8/3 Back at Tahoe! Twice in one week - I think that's a record.  Not sure what was up with Sweet Pea's pose, but it was cute.  Thursday 8/4 A bunny and a quail.  Just some of the wildlife in my backyard.  Friday 8/5 This was at the end of the week performance for VBS.   The girls had a good time.   This was Sweet Pea's first year to go as she was *finally* old enough.  Saturday 8/6 An early birthday present from one of my good friends, Tami.   I'm not usually an anklet kind of girl, but this fit perfectly. 


I've written a lot about my relationship with relationships .  There's lots to know .  But have you ever seemingly been hit with a doozy? One that you didn't know existed? And then, BAM! You're whole outlook sorta changes?  The doozy can be good or the doozy can be bad. I'm a writer in the sense that I come to understand things mainly about myself by writing, free writing a lot of the time.  I used to journal.  I have a stack of journals from college...and I only went for 2-1/2 years.  (That's a whole 'nother story.)  I stopped writing for most of high school because my words were compromised and that scared me.  It scared me to not be able to trust and I stopped writing for probably 3 years. I loved a good journaling book and a fine point pen that had a good flow of ink.  If you don't know what I'm talking about, then you're missing out.  There are pens that are just *meant* to be written with.  They glide across the paper. ...

Backyard Wildlife

I live in town but we have almost an acre and our house is surrounded by open fields on three sides.  We can't decide if this is a year of high volume small animals or if it's because we don't have a dog anymore in the yard and the wildlife is getting more daring, but this summer has brought so many new little faces right up against our house.  It's like kitty TV for my cat Pumpkin.  She stares out the window for hours watching the critters run, scurry, fly, and hop through our yard.  I'm not sure if I enjoy watching her watch them or watching the wildlife myself.  Luckily the coyote hasn't been back.  Though if he does, I'll be sure to get a picture of him too. Baby bunny. Holy schnikies! Three baby bunnies! Baby Mountain Bluebird who hasn't lost all of his baby feathers yet.  I love the color of their feathers.  Chipmunk having a pine cone seed snack.  

2011 - Day in the Life - week 30

Sunday - 7/24 Went went to get some gloves for me at Big 5 for Tough Mudder.  I'm amused by the big chair. Monday 7/25 The $3 shoes I found for The White Trash Bash. Tuesday 7/26 Guess who I picked up at the airport? A very delirious Bari! Wednesday 7/27 Bari and Sweet Pea made blueberry cobbler. It was delicious. Thursday 7/28 An uneventful drive to Sacramento took us to The Melting Pot for a celebratory dinner.  Beki had just finished taking the California bar exam.  Ashley drove out too. We enjoyed our dinner and time together. Friday 7/29 My first run longer than 6 miles since my last half marathon at the beginning of May.  Bari and I went for 8 miles. It was good. A bit hot. Definitely sweaty.  See the white line on my neck? Salt. But thankfully I had hydrated well with my favorite running beverage. Posted using BlogPress