
Showing posts from August, 2010

2010 - A Day in the Life - Week 34

Sunday This is my mom's baby, Spike.  For some reason this picture made me laugh.  Monday Sweet Pea's first day of pre-K.  And she will correct you if you say "preschool" because that's *totally* different.  I love the Chuck Taylor flames.  I'm gonna miss those in size "cute little feet". Tuesday The best I could do of the beautiful nearly-full moon.  Wednesday Post dinner T laid down on the cough.  Sweet Pea jumped under the blanket with him.  I had to document it, to which T's response is obvious.  Thursday Central California view of the Sierra Nevada mountains.  Friday My parents, brother, and I at the reception after my aunt's funeral.  Everyone but me was on some multiple number of drinks.  (hence the smiles) I was driving home, so no drink for me.  Saturday My gear ready for the morning 14-mile run!

You Capture - Outside

Last Friday T took a day off to join us at the lake.  I love Lake Tahoe so much.   There's the icy cold water that only feels good on warm days.  There's the soft sand (well at the beach we were at anyway).  The kids love digging in it and making the hole deep enough to find water. The days are rare that daddy gets to join us.   Sweet Pea loved that he wanted to dig with her.  The left behind digging to enjoy the water.  The "I'm too cool for you" sunglasses look. (She still pronounces any cl/gl combo as "bl".  So for Sweet Pea these are sunblasses - I'm going to miss that when she stops.) And the obligatory weirdo at the beach picture.   She was trying to wash the sand off her feet before she sat on her towel.   The buckets were small, and she couldn't stand up.   Yes, I didn't bother to help. I just took pictures.  After all, "you're at the beach. There's sand here! " Join Beth at Folding Laundry for more outside pictures...

2010 - A Day in the Life - Week 33

Wow! Can you believe it? Week 33. Time is aflyin'! Sunday Totally blurry cat picture. But she was stalking Bear-cat and it was the only picture I took on Sunday. Monday (fail whale) Tuesday Sweet Pea was dancing away to the CD the older two got from VBS this year.  Wednesday Fresh strawberries from the farmer's market.  They were equal in sweetness to the ones we grew earlier this year. Thursday The sunflower revisited.  Now there are two! Friday The sand chairs daddy made at the beach.  T ditched work to join us at our last weekday at the lake for the summer.  (Boo! to all the things that took up our beach time this year) Saturday The minute I saw this picture of Sweet Pea, I saw my mom's expression in her eyes.  I've never seen my mom in her until this picture.  It is 100% Gramma. 


Nope, this isn't the Thursday Three from The Sisterhood.  This is that old adage of "things come in threes". I want to preface this by saying this last month? Has had a lot of stress.  It started with my 14-year-old niece's cancer diagnosis.  And the next day finding out that my cousin's dad had been found dead in his home.  T was out of town for work and I remember begging him to drive the 5 hours home safely because holy shit what was next?  Just as my heart was beginning to accept the realities of my families' lives, my mom called last night on her way to our house sobbing on the phone.  She just found out that her younger sister had died.  My cousin had been calling her yesterday and not getting a response, so she drove over to check on my aunt.  Her apartment was locked and there was no answer.  When she got someone to open the door, she was laying in bed...not asleep.  I can't fathom what a horrible thing it is to unexpectedly find...

2010 - A Day in the Life - Week 32

Sunday These flowers came from a friend... with the vase.   Do you like both? Monday My Sweet Pea rawking the 80's headband 'do. Tuesday Samples of the only allergy drug that seem to work for me.  My PCP actually had some in the office.  His nurse gave me all of them.  I'm much happier now.  Wednesday Our two biggest carrots from the garden.   They were so sweet and yummy. Thursday Random sunflower growing in our backyard.  We didn't plant it.  I almost pulled it as a big ass weed two weeks ago.  Friday Our Bear-cat "wearing" T's Air Force BondiBand. Bear wasn't impressed with it's wicking capabilities.   Saturday (picture from the phone) Dinner out for pizza with T and Sweet Pea.  The older girls were having a sleepover at the lake w/my parents. 


(Originally posted at the running blog.) Yesterday broke me.  Literally and figuratively.  The last four weeks has brought me more power, more strength, and more energy in my running.  My legs feel strong.  Heck my whole body has felt stronger than it has in a long time.  My workouts may have kicked my butts during, but not once have I felt sore and achy like I pushed *too* hard afterwards.  Which is why I asked Coach Joe to work with me on my pace times.  It's been a fantastic feeling pushing myself to my limits.  Unfortunately I'm pretty sure I reached my limits.  You know that wonky foot? Yeah, well, I have a sneaking suspicion that I have a stress fracture in it.  I'm not going to see the doctor.  There's nothing he will tell me that I don't already know.  The treatment? Rest until I have no pain. In my world that "R" word is the nastiest of four letter words.  It is infuriating to know that my muscles are ready and wi...

Checking In - over there -->

I posted over here today.

Happy Birthday To Me!

Yep, that's right.  Today's my birthday.  How old, you ask? I'm the ripe young age of 21.  No, really! I am.  I swear.  Forget about the almost 10-year-old I have in the house.  Whatever.  Okay, fine.  I'm 34 today.  But most days I feel 21, aside from the whole married w/3 kids and a mortgage.  Details. I am proud to say that I have come so far in the last year.  Last year I was feebly attempting to train for a half marathon.  I say feebly because I couldn't convince myself to run more than 3-4 miles at a time.  Way to prep for a half marathon, huh?  As of today I have completed 3 half marathons and am currently training for my 4th half mary and my first full marathon!  Holy crap!  I'm so much healthier and overall happier.  A year ago I had to meet any of you in person.  Today, I'm thrilled to be able to say that I've hugged at least 20 of you!  How awesome is that.  You, yes you, have ...

2010 - A Day in the Life - Week 31

Sunday Yum-o wine.   Monday What time I got done working. And yes, technically it was Tuesday.  Tuesday Sass at her second meet. Love how the water is still pouring off of her as she comes out of the water. Wednesday (fail) Thursday Sweet Pea was having so much fun launching herself in the kiddie pool.  Essentially belly flopping into the water.  And because I missed Wednesday, here's one of SmartyPants hesitantly stepping off the diving board. Friday The prep for my 12-miler in the morning.  Saturday Sweet Pea at her t-ball game Saturday morning.  Love the faux-beaver look.  

2010 - A Day in the Life - Week 30

Sunday This is taken from my front yard.  Love the colors and textures.  Monday Check out the splash from the RAIN DROPS! Tuesday (fail) Wednesday (Check out her eyes! They look pretty straight and in sync!) *happy dance* Thursday Sass in the pool at her end of summer season swim club party. Love the sparkles of the water. Friday Hand-me-down art kit.  Sweet Pea was doing *a lot* of art this day.  Saturday See the moon?  This is at about 10 a.m. 


Sometimes it comes to you when you least expect it.  The struggles we've been having with attitude in the house lately have been overwhelming.  But today I heard.  I really heard.  I needed to hand over control.  My role as a mother is not to control - it's to guide.  I haven't been doing a very good job lately in that regard.  My heart will be happier if I release the control.  My kids will probably have happier hearts and their hearts be more willing to listen to my guidance.  So that's going to be my focus this week.  Less control more guidance. And I'm sure someone probably mentioned this to me in all my bitching over the last couple of weeks and i didn't hear it until today.