
Showing posts from April, 2010

The reality

This link takes you into a glimpse of what T's job was when he was active duty.  I am so thankful for those who continue to do the job, but selfishly I am grateful that it's not my husband getting those medals.  I honestly try not to think about it, because had he stayed in that same career field, he would most likely not be here.  I would not have my Sweet Pea.  My life would be drastically different.  But that is a story that gives me chills to think about.  Maybe another time. For now SSgt Harvell has my utmost respect.  Glad you made it home, Airman.

Texas - Saturday - Day 2

I'm not sure how many of you know about my history with Texas.  T and I lived there for four years when he was active duty.  The 9yo was born in Texas.  Texas was hot, humid, and the city we lived in did not inspire the warm fuzzies.  I couldn't wait to leave.  We have great friends from that time who, I hope, will be visiting us here in Nevada some time soon.  So when Christy and I started chatting about getting "the hookers" together for a long weekend of fun, she offered her place up in the beautiful hill country of Texas.  I have to admit I wasn't thrilled with returning to Texas, but I'm so very glad that I did.  Because the friendships that have evolved over this past year were solidified when I could actually hug these amazing ladies.  Some of them I have been training with for Team in Training - some of them I will see again in just a few short weeks in San Diego when we will run/walk 13.1 miles all in the name of raising funds for le...

You Capture - Spring

Spring in Nevada.  You never know what you're gonna get.  Yesterday at 3:30 pm  Yesterday at 6:30 pm Check out what others have captured at Beth's.  

The Hair Cut

So this weekend was *the* weekend.  I have been ready to cut my hair short for a while, but I was trying to grow it out so I could donate it - thinking that our Hooker Retreat would be a fun way to go about it.  I've chopped my hair twice before and it's always so freeing.  I have very thick hair.  Hair that takes forever to dry.  Hair that I can't stand in my face so it lives in a clip or a pony tail.  Here are a couple of "before" pictures. I love this picture. I think Amanda thinks I'm a little insane.  Christy is listening intently to Heather (who's holding the tape measure), and Miss Preggo Tiffany is helping with the ponytails. Then it was time for the ponytails.   In order to donate your hair has to either be in a ponytail and/or a braid.  Because of the length, Christy made 2 on the top and 2 on the bottom.  I wasn't sure it was going to be long enough on the bottom, but the top was definitely long enough. Have I mentioned that I...

2010 - A Day in the Life - week 16

Belatedly, my pictures from last week. April 18 Anniversary flower. April 19 Kitty in a box. April 20 Weird cloud setting in the valley before it snowed. April 21 Snow on my strawberry plants.  April 22 Sauces for the yummy tri tip we had for T's birthday dinner. April 23 Patchwork fields on the way from San Diego to San Antonio. April 24 Christy's place.   Many more pictures to follow from the fab weekend in Texas.  

You Capture - Sweet

I missed last week's You Capture.  I just didn't have any extra energy to give to searching out "fresh" ideas.  And I have to admit I sighed when I saw Beth's tweet that You Capture was up.  I couldn't even remember what the topic of the week was let alone know if I actually took any pictures that fit the bill.  I haven't been taking as many pictures in general lately.  I've been struggling with maintaining my picture-a-day routine.  But in downloading pictures I took today, I found one that definitely fits the bill.  My Sweet Pea.  Leaning up against my stomach looking up at me.  She definitely has it in her to be SWEET. So what did you capture this week? Any sweetness?


Tomorrow I will be picking Tiffany and J up at the airport.  We will be headed out to a fantabulous dinner for T's birthday courtesy of my brother who, by the way, is an awesome chef.  So awesome in fact that I have eaten things he has prepared knowing that I some of the ingredients only to love how he blended flavors.  Delish.  Friday morning after T and J take the girls out for a field trip, Tiffany and I will head to the airport.  Where are we going? Well it's a state that I lived in for four years and couldn't wait to leave.  One that I never thought I would be so dang excited to get back to.  Why do you ask, am I excited? Because I get to the meet the following people. Christy Lisa Amanda Elaine Thea Audrey Heather We will then proceed to eat, drink, and be merry when we all meet up in San Antonio.  We have a jam-packed weekend filled with running/walking (at the butt-crack of dawn especially for us west-coasters), food, naps, boo...

Tell It To Me Tuesday - It All Started

It all started when I was a kid.  My first move was made when I was 6 weeks old.  The second at 18 months.  After that move, I've made 11 subsequent moves in my lifetime.  Even when I'm not moving to new cities, I need change.  My life was lived in 2-year increments for a very long time.  Either we  moved or I hung out with different people every 2 hours.  I may not be able to tell you the year in which a memory happened, but I could give you a 2-year age spread based upon where I was or who I was with.  This has evolved into remembering how old the girls were at a certain time. I like change and crave it.  But not life-overhauling change anymore.  I rearrange furniture to see things in a new perspective.  It drives me crazy when things stay "the same" for too long.  I need to view things from different perspectives.  But as I sit down to write this, I've realized that I haven't done in a while.  Is it because my...

2010 - A Day in the Life - week 15

April 11 Homemade split pea soup and dinner rolls.  YUM!! April 12 T and my Uncle Jimmie at Reno Aces baseball game. April 13 Magnets and paperclips. Gotta love Science projects. April 14 Bunco loser prize. April 15 Two seagulls fighting over the top of a parking lot light. See the 2nd one flying away? April 16 Totally sucked and didn't remember to take any pictures.  April 17 My oh, so sleepy old puppy who is 11-1/2.  Love her.

12 years

Twelve years ago this is what we looked like.   Ten days after this? I put T on a bus for MEPS which would take him to San Antonio for basic training.   I wouldn't see him again for almost 7 weeks.  In the last 12 years we have:  moved 5 times lived in 7 houses gained 1 dog lost 1 dog lost 2 cats added 3 cats had 3 kids bought 3 cars bought 3 houses And had too many memories to count both good and bad.  The good outweighing the bad by a lot. This morning I woke up to this and  I couldn't ask for a better partner to go through this crazy life.  I am blessed. 

Lighthearted challenge

So last Monday evening myself, T, my mom, and my uncle went to a Reno Ace's baseball game.  My uncle is a die-hard baseball fan.  He drives the team bus for the Quakes  and loves being able to get paid for his time while he watches the game.   (He's also my honored teammate for Team In Training.  I'm almost at my goal.  Help a girl out and go here and donate. Please?)   But I was taking pictures at the game, because well I had my camera and I haven't been to a baseball game since I was 11.  This is one of the many I took. And it tickles me.  So anyone want to play a caption game?  Give me your best caption.  Maybe there will be some sort of prize for the best one. Or I may be talking to myself.

I'm still here

I've been busy and preoccupied and overwhelmed lately.  And there is so much I want to say, but it's not my story to tell.  But my heart is breaking and there is nothing I can do but offer my love and support over the many miles on the phone.  But even then? I don't know how much that really means.  So for now, I will continue to offer my love and support and hope that it's enough for now.

2010 - A Day in the Life - week 14

April 4 The drive to the lake for Easter dinner.  Yes, it is snowing, why do you ask? April 5 The gymnast climbing on a continuous climbing wall at the local Children's Museum.  (museum #1 for the week) April 6 I live in the land of cottonwood trees.  These are at the "big" park in town. I love them.  (park day #1) April 7 Sweet Pea and Daddy coloring before bed.  Not sure the last time this happened.  April 8 At the Nevada State Museum. We watched the 7 change from a 6.  (museum day #2) April 9 Train Museum - Not sure what she was looking at, but very intent.  (museum day #3) April 10 The only park in town with swings for big kids.  I thought she might fly off of it at this point.  (park day #2) (So many museums and parks.  It was spring break for the local district, which meant all but one extracurricular activity was cancelled for the week.) Their school officially has spring break this next week.  But I'm making them work t...